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North to South 

The record for the overland dash between Cape Agulhas (South Africa) and The North Cape in Norway is held by a team who completed the challenge in a 1984 GMC suburban diesel truck and covered 12,531 miles in 28 days, 13 hours and 10 minutes. Thereby setting the record.

In 2013 a British team drove a small Fiat Panda from Cape Town to London in just over ten days. This effort is giving our team great confidence in being able to beat the existing record.

Known as the African-Arctic challenge, they traversed vast trackless deserts in Africa and deep frozen areas in the cold north crossing over 20 borders and escaping an ambush in Kenya as well as various other difficulties and beurocracies in the epic 1984 journey.

We were planning on taking on the challenge to break the 1984 record in 2015. Thus becoming the fastest drivers from the southernmost point of Africa to the northernmost point of Europe by car.

Unfortunately, our attempt in 2014 was interrupted by an accident in Zambia, where we hit a zebra driving in the night. Luckily, the team did not suffer, however, both the Cayenne and the poor zebra were not so lucky. The car was damaged heavily and we had to quit this endeavor, however, we did not quit our dreams and attempt to become the fastest drivers from north to south.

Please visit North-to-South 2.0 challenge to learn more about our second and successful world record drive.







Driven by Passion...

Jan - the visionary and founder of The Longest Drive and many more! Tons of experience and a dose of insanity drives him to make his and other dreams become true.

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